Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So I'm finally back in Richmond, and right now it is thundering like crazy. There have been a couple of instances when the thunder has actually made the house vibrate. I like a thunderstorm as much as the next guy, but honestly, this is a little excessive.

My whole family is together once again, since my dad flew in last night from Phoenix. Just in time, too, because today is my mom's birthday. (Happy birthday Mom!) I'm glad we're all together, since that doesn't happen much these days, but right now our little house is too packed with people and stuff for me. I'm not one to get claustrophobic, but the diminishing personal space is starting to get to me. As much as it stinks that I won't get to be with both my parents and my brother for very long, it will be nice to have the entire basement to myself at my grandmother's.

I am not looking forward to all the packing and arranging that need to be done in preparation for my move. Honestly, the logistics of moving are much harder for me than the whole readjustment of my life part: packing, transporting, unpacking, and setting up...I shudder just thinking about it. But at the same time, it's nice because while it is technically a "new place," it's home. My grandparents' house is the only permanent home I've known my whole life. And of course, I'm going to be in New York. Being in DC (or at least in the immediate outlying area) this weekend made me remember how much I miss all the incredible things you have access to when you live in a major metropolitan area: mass transit, endless things to do, great food, and culture coming out your ears.

I think I'm going to spend the first few weeks just getting settled in, finding a survival job (bartending still looks interesting), and hopefully seeing a lot of theatre. I'm also looking at taking an acting class or two at HB Studio over the summer, and fortunately they're not terribly expensive. I'm also really excited about getting in touch with all my friends who are up there now.

All right, I have an early dentist appointment in the morning, and my brother's trying to talk me into breakfast at McDonald's, so I'll sign off. 'Night, all.

1 comment:

  1. Ew. Dentists are yuck. I know what you mean about moving, though. I move on Monday, and I'm tied between knowing I'm really going to miss my family and being super excited because Richmond is boring me to tears! See you Thursday, kiddo!
